I started by flatting back the Q19 base coats with 360 grade wet and dry , then spent time with the hoover and a toothbrush getting all the dust out of all the cracks and crevices . Lastly i went over the surface with a tack rag to remove all traces of dust
I used the Varnish straight out of the tin and managed to get a nice flow ,which was helped by it being overcast and windless , temperature was 19 and humidity at 60 . My 4" flat synthetic varnish brush worked very well and all of the brushstrokes settled out, the trick is to work quickly getting the varnish on , about an area of a square foot and then brush out in one direction , dont work the varnish too much and plan you're root around the boat so as to always work on the wet edge as much as possible . When its done check for runs or sags and then walk away as you will create dust if you hover around for too long '
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